My sister texted me yesterday, "Prayer Warriors! My friend Anna has an abortion scheduled tomorrow." (Anna is not her real name). Then she consequently asked me, "Tell your ENTIRE school to pray!" I was amazed at her passion, that it would cross her mind to have me announce to my entire college to ask for intercession on behalf of this one life.
I had an epiphany. Why wasn't I running around the campus yelling and asking for prayer? Do I really believe in prayer? Was I deciding that the prayers of my campus would not matter in the long run, that God had already heard the previous prayers of my sister?
Why didn't I have this same passion and urgency? We are talking about murder here. If I were presented with the opportunity to save a life, I would take it with passion. Yet here was my opportunity to inform my circle and request they fall on their knees before the King of kings on behalf of this innocent child. And I was not driven with that same urgency.
But I did text most of my contacts. I was so encouraged by all the people who responded and passed it on! One friend responded and asked the young woman's name, so she would know who she was interceding for. She passed it on and had many of her friends in prayer.
I even found a married friend willing to adopt!!! God is so good! I didn't really know what to expect from passing the request on. And I watched the Body of Christ come together on behalf of an innocent child who seems to be in the hands of an irresponsible mother, but are actually in the hands of the Almighty Lord.
And I thought, if we can get this passionate about one life, why aren't we more passionate about the thousands of lives blotted out every day? According to the National Right to Life, almost 50 million children have been slaughtered since Roe vs. Wade in 1973. What are doing about this silent genocide?
This one life, Anna's child, became personal to us. It is hard for the 50 million to become personal. For decades, we have cried over the 6 million killed in the Holocaust. I am not downplaying their deaths at all; it was an atrocious and evil sin committed. But why aren't we more passionate for these 50 million who were killed without a cry?
As one person in the Body of Christ, I ask you all to pray fervently against abortion. I encourage you to take a stand in any way possible. Be like my sister, who the second she found out about her friend, rushed to find prayer warriors to intercede. Let us not sit back and do nothing. Let us fight back! Prayer does make a difference.
I just found out that Anna decided to keep her baby and not abort! And if she changes her mind about keeping the baby for herself, she wants to meet my friends who are willing to adopt. Praise the Lord! One more precious life has been saved!!!!

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Ok, I think its totally cool that you're pro-life and you believe in prayer and all that good stuff, but I think its kind of crossing a line when you give out someone's name to people without that person's permission, even if it is in what you consider their best interest. I mean having that abortion is that woman's PRIVATE choice (even if she did change her mind) and I'm sure she wouldn't want tons of total strangers knowing those kind of intimate details about her personal life. Everyone makes mistakes that we aren't proud of and not all of those mistakes need to be brought into light to be displayed to everyone. I just thought I would give you something to think about for the future.
It was just her first name...
God is good!! Thanks to everyone for their prayers for this little innocent child and faith in prayer!! Let us remember to thank God for answering our prayers!!
Great job.. both of you. We are such a society that sticks their head in the sand, afraid to offend somone.. that represents the bulk of what's wrong today and that is silent approval. Its awesome to take on something like this and make a difference by showing support and how much she and her baby are cared for, supported and loved.
The first name is not her true first name. There is no way anyone can track her down. Even if I had her permission, I probably wouldn't post her true name, just in case someone brilliantly figured out who she is (doubtful since I've never met her, and she lives in a different state, and I have multiple sisters).
We plaster real names of people who commit atrocious crimes every day on the news. But for some reason, there are certain issues where we don't want people to find out our names. Abortion is murder. Homicides reveal names. Why is the homicide of an unborn child any different? Food for thought.
Thanks again for the prayers everyone! It encouraged and warmed my heart.
I agree with person number one, completely inappropriate to use a name, even a first. There are two many people who could know who it is. Very insensitive.
Besides that, I am a christian, but I am PRO CHOICE. I support whatever decision is best for the women, so to be honest I found this whole blog offensive, because you would feel the need to exploit a girl who confided in her friend about the possibility of an abortion, WOW is all I have to say....
I'm sorry you feel that way. But a person's life is way more important to me than not offending someone. Who will speak for the unborn? I only agree with abortions in the case of the health of the mother, as in ectopic pregnancies. To me there is no other justifiable reason for killing an innocent child.
My goal here was not to get into an argument with people. I wanted to rejoice over a life being saved! That is the important issue for me. This silent genocide should not be ignored because people don't want to offend others. 50 million babies are no small deal.
It's sad to me that people would find it offensive that a life was saved through the power of prayer by our awesome God who created that precious life and gave NO ONE the right to murder His creation He loves. This is not saying that I am not sensitive to the mom of the baby, for being in a situation like this that she felt this was her only option is awful. And I appreciate the care that was taken to protect her identity. What harm is there is forwarding on prayer requests to save a life with no real name attached to anyone? There were TONS of abortions scheduled that same day around the country....I'm pretty sure no one praying for her and her baby had the desire to investigate who it could possibly be, so I'm thinking "Ashley" is probably safe, but just as importantly, so is her precious baby, thanks to the forwarding of this prayer request. Thank You Lord, and thank you to those who cared enough about this mommy and baby to pray :)
Responding to the last anonymous comment with the youtube links...
We obviously aren't talking about late term abortions so don't even go there; that is an entirely different topic. I'm certain that I speak for most of us who are pro choice when I say that being pro choice doesn't mean the same thing as being pro late term abortion.
My question to the last comment is, where do humans have the right to draw the line on who gets saved and who doesn't? How can we say that third-term is an atrocity while first and second aren't?
If your logic is that third-term are more painful and more torturous, then this is my response: Abortions earlier on are less painful. But a less painful death is still a death. That's like saying it's okay to kill someone with a silent painful death like an injection, rather than stabbing them multiple times.
But if your logic is that pre-third trimester aren't really babies, what gives you the right to decide who's a human and who's not? Do we believe in evolution then? Is it not a baby before third trimester, and suddenly a baby after that?
I guess I just have a hard time following the logic of someone who agrees with abortion only before third-trimester.
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