Friday, February 19, 2010

If I were diagnosed with cancer, what would I do?

Eight years, two months, and fifteen days after meeting her beloved husband, Debbi Fisher held his hand as his last breath escaped him. She had spent the past three years taking care of Kent while he battled cancer.

Watching Kent pass away was heart breaking. But what was more heart breaking was the sadness in her hard life. Kent was her ray of sunshine, though only for a short time, dying at a young 41.

Debbi didn’t have a good history with men. She conceived her oldest son after a one night stand with a stranger. Later, she met and married Mike. They had three kids. Their marriage was not happy.

One weekend, Debbi was traveling to a Mary Kay convention, where she was going to receive a reward on stage in front of hundreds of people. She’d never won anything in her life, and this was very important.

Stopping at a grocery store for a quick snack ended up being an unwise decision. A man in front of her turned and said, “You are so beautiful.” Debbi melted. She didn’t hear words like that often. Skipping the convention, she spent the weekend with him. This is how she conceived her fifth child, Kolton, who was born with Autism.

After Debbi told Mike, he yelled at her and pushed her into the wall. He said, “I’ve been looking for a reason to leave you, and you just gave it to me.”

Divorced, scarred, and emotionally battered, Debbi tried to make it with her four kids. She became a Christian and met Kent. He became the love of her life. He too had children from previous relationships. They joined together, and soon gave birth to Kaden. Debbi now had six kids from four fathers. Kaden was only four when his daddy was diagnosed with cancer, and seven when he was laid to rest.

After Kent was diagnosed, Debbi started researching natural ways of healing. Kent was on chemotherapy, but she wanted to find natural cures. In this time she learned all diseases have a natural cure that’s not medicinal. Her story mirrors that of James Rhio O’Connor.

Rhio was diagnosed with a deadly cancer, mesothelioma, and given a year to live. This cancer was considered incurable for many years. Instead of giving up he found his own path to health and lived more than six years. He survived cancer by spending hours researching intensively, and speaking to countless doctors, researchers and patients. Through this rigorous educational process, Rhio was able to create his own therapeutic protocol alongside the clinicians he selected.

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant cancerous cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs. Over 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the US each year. Working with asbestos is the major risk factor. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in the majority of cases. However, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos. More information about Mesothelioma, including survivor stories, can be found on the website Surving Mesotheolioma.

One of the medicines Debbi found is called Ambrotose, which is one of the sugars the body needs. The body needs eight essential sugars, and generally only gets three through a regular diet. Regular sugar needs to be avoided, since it feeds cancer. Ambrotose coats your cells with the sugars they need, and helps so you don’t get nausea during Chemotherapy. During Kent’s three year bout, he only got sick for one day.

Debbi also completely changed their family’s diet to keep away from sugar. Fresh food and lots of greens covered their table. Debbi also stopped microwaving food. Microwaving foods kills all its nutrients. To test this, Debbi put two plants in the same window. She fed one with regular tap water, and the other with tap water that she microwaved and let sit overnight to come to room temperature. The plant fed with microwaved water died in two weeks, while the other lived. She would only use the oven or stove top to heat her food.

One of the most significant things Debbi did was put Kent on Zeolite drops. These drops rid the body of toxins. Dr. Steven Trobiani, M.D., from Minneapolis says, “Since most cancers are caused by toxins we either ingest or inhale, prevention means ridding our bodies of these toxins. I will be using liquid Zeolite and I will be recommending this to every member of my family and every patient I see.”

I found this information about Zeolite on this website.

For centuries, the powdered forms of zeolites have been used as traditional remedies by people all over the world to achieve higher levels of health and well being. It's a naturally occurring mineral that's formed after millions of years when lava remains in contact with fresh or salt water.

Zeolite traps toxins and other heavy metals in its honeycomb-like cages. Since it's one of the few negatively charged particles in nature, it works at the cellular level like a magnet. All the nasty impurities and toxins get sucked in, trapped, and then flushed out. There are no real side effects except for minor dehydration, which is solved by drinking water regulary.

Debbi had Kent on Zeolite drops for nine or ten months. These drops balance your pH. Cancer cells put off a lot of acid. Zeolite helps stop new cancer cell division and keep it from spreading. She said it’s like putting a plastic bag on someone’s head, and they suffocate. The cancer cells die because they can’t thrive.

Zeolite also helps the chemo enter into the center of the cancer cell and make the cell implode. This happened in Kent’s case. Kent had an MRI done and they found upwards of 300 hundred tumors. His cancer marker was up to 81. In a healthy person it’s 3. A smoker’s is 3.5 to 7.

Debbi started Kent on Zeolite drops. Three months later he had another MRI. The doctor compared the two and was beyond shocked. He said Kent’s tumors had calcified shells around them. Three months was way too fast for normal calcification. Kent had no chemo those three months, only the Zeolite drops. 90% of his tumors were gone in three months. The cells had imploded, leaving a calcified shell. Kent still had a few big tumors in his brain, though. But his cancer marker was down to 17, after only three months.

Kent went home very upbeat. He told Debbi, “The Lord is healing me. My faith is in him and my cancer is dying.” Kent had a strong faith in God, especially concerning the healing of his cancer. He believed this event was confirmation of God’s healing. So Kent stopped taking all the remedies Debbi had put him on.

I first Debbi and Kent during this time. He was always very upbeat and positive. Debbi said that during his entire cancer bout, he never complained or blamed God. It encouraged me to watch him deal with this in a positive way. When I met him, he only had four brain tumors, as opposed to three hundred.

Kent stayed off all remedies for five months total. It took Debbi five months to convince him to start again. At that point his cancer marker was back up to around 54. Eventually, the cancer metastasized to his lungs, and then his spine.

I asked Debbi what she thought the turning point for Kent was. Without skipping a beat, she said, “One night we were watching TV. His ankle and leg were really swollen. He said, ‘This sucks. I’m still sick. I can’t wrestle with Kaden outside or play with him. I have to take an oxygen tank everywhere. I can never drive again. What kind of life is this? I don’t want to do this anymore.’ I cried the whole night. I knew he’s lost his fight and will to live. He stopped seeking healing. He’d been on a catheter for a year. I begged him to change his mind. But three months later, he was gone. His last week alive, we put him on a morphine drip, and he was pretty much in a coma. He was suffering. So his parents and I decided to turn of his oxygen machine. The nurse said usually patients lasted another three or four hours. But Kent lasted only fifty seconds. I was completely taken off guard. I thought I would have time to hold his hand. But he was ready to go home to heaven. He fought hard and with strength.”

If I were in Rhio’s shoes, I would do exactly what Debbi had done. I would call her and ask for her support. I would change my diet and get on Zeolite drops. I would ask for God’s comfort during this difficult time. I would expect to outlive my prognosis and touch as many lives as Kent did.

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