Monday, October 11, 2010
One Abortion out of Fifty Million
I had an epiphany. Why wasn't I running around the campus yelling and asking for prayer? Do I really believe in prayer? Was I deciding that the prayers of my campus would not matter in the long run, that God had already heard the previous prayers of my sister?
Why didn't I have this same passion and urgency? We are talking about murder here. If I were presented with the opportunity to save a life, I would take it with passion. Yet here was my opportunity to inform my circle and request they fall on their knees before the King of kings on behalf of this innocent child. And I was not driven with that same urgency.
But I did text most of my contacts. I was so encouraged by all the people who responded and passed it on! One friend responded and asked the young woman's name, so she would know who she was interceding for. She passed it on and had many of her friends in prayer.
I even found a married friend willing to adopt!!! God is so good! I didn't really know what to expect from passing the request on. And I watched the Body of Christ come together on behalf of an innocent child who seems to be in the hands of an irresponsible mother, but are actually in the hands of the Almighty Lord.
And I thought, if we can get this passionate about one life, why aren't we more passionate about the thousands of lives blotted out every day? According to the National Right to Life, almost 50 million children have been slaughtered since Roe vs. Wade in 1973. What are doing about this silent genocide?
This one life, Anna's child, became personal to us. It is hard for the 50 million to become personal. For decades, we have cried over the 6 million killed in the Holocaust. I am not downplaying their deaths at all; it was an atrocious and evil sin committed. But why aren't we more passionate for these 50 million who were killed without a cry?
As one person in the Body of Christ, I ask you all to pray fervently against abortion. I encourage you to take a stand in any way possible. Be like my sister, who the second she found out about her friend, rushed to find prayer warriors to intercede. Let us not sit back and do nothing. Let us fight back! Prayer does make a difference.
I just found out that Anna decided to keep her baby and not abort! And if she changes her mind about keeping the baby for herself, she wants to meet my friends who are willing to adopt. Praise the Lord! One more precious life has been saved!!!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
If I were diagnosed with cancer, what would I do?
Eight years, two months, and fifteen days after meeting her beloved husband, Debbi Fisher held his hand as his last breath escaped him. She had spent the past three years taking care of
Debbi didn’t have a good history with men. She conceived her oldest son after a one night stand with a stranger. Later, she met and married Mike. They had three kids. Their marriage was not happy.
One weekend, Debbi was traveling to a Mary Kay convention, where she was going to receive a reward on stage in front of hundreds of people. She’d never won anything in her life, and this was very important.
Stopping at a grocery store for a quick snack ended up being an unwise decision. A man in front of her turned and said, “You are so beautiful.” Debbi melted. She didn’t hear words like that often. Skipping the convention, she spent the weekend with him. This is how she conceived her fifth child, Kolton, who was born with Autism.
After Debbi told Mike, he yelled at her and pushed her into the wall. He said, “I’ve been looking for a reason to leave you, and you just gave it to me.”
Divorced, scarred, and emotionally battered, Debbi tried to make it with her four kids. She became a Christian and met
Rhio was diagnosed with a deadly cancer, mesothelioma, and given a year to live. This cancer was considered incurable for many years. Instead of giving up he found his own path to health and lived more than six years. He survived cancer by spending hours researching intensively, and speaking to countless doctors, researchers and patients. Through this rigorous educational process, Rhio was able to create his own therapeutic protocol alongside the clinicians he selected.
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant cancerous cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs. Over 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the
One of the medicines Debbi found is called Ambrotose, which is one of the sugars the body needs. The body needs eight essential sugars, and generally only gets three through a regular diet. Regular sugar needs to be avoided, since it feeds cancer. Ambrotose coats your cells with the sugars they need, and helps so you don’t get nausea during Chemotherapy. During
Debbi also completely changed their family’s diet to keep away from sugar. Fresh food and lots of greens covered their table. Debbi also stopped microwaving food. Microwaving foods kills all its nutrients. To test this, Debbi put two plants in the same window. She fed one with regular tap water, and the other with tap water that she microwaved and let sit overnight to come to room temperature. The plant fed with microwaved water died in two weeks, while the other lived. She would only use the oven or stove top to heat her food.
One of the most significant things Debbi did was put
I found this information about Zeolite on this website.
For centuries, the powdered forms of zeolites have been used as traditional remedies by people all over the world to achieve higher levels of health and well being. It's a naturally occurring mineral that's formed after millions of years when lava remains in contact with fresh or salt water.
Zeolite traps toxins and other heavy metals in its honeycomb-like cages. Since it's one of the few negatively charged particles in nature, it works at the cellular level like a magnet. All the nasty impurities and toxins get sucked in, trapped, and then flushed out. There are no real side effects except for minor dehydration, which is solved by drinking water regulary.
Debbi had
Zeolite also helps the chemo enter into the center of the cancer cell and make the cell implode. This happened in
Debbi started
I first Debbi and Kent during this time. He was always very upbeat and positive. Debbi said that during his entire cancer bout, he never complained or blamed God. It encouraged me to watch him deal with this in a positive way. When I met him, he only had four brain tumors, as opposed to three hundred.
I asked Debbi what she thought the turning point for
If I were in Rhio’s shoes, I would do exactly what Debbi had done. I would call her and ask for her support. I would change my diet and get on Zeolite drops. I would ask for God’s comfort during this difficult time. I would expect to outlive my prognosis and touch as many lives as